28 Dec, 2021
There is a crisis in "Locomotive" Tbilisi. The head coach Giorgi Chiabrishvili and more than half of the players left the team.
In this regard, the club makes an official statement:
"Due to the current financial situation, Locomotive was forced to give up the model it has been leading in recent years.
We are sorry that, despite many efforts, we are unable to keep the existing team under the leadership of Giorgi Chiabryshvili. It became impossible to access the previously available financial sources, which led to the created situation.
We confirm that we have information about the existence of state funding, but we do not yet know the structure by which the funds will be distributed to the clubs. Also, regardless of the agreement reached with the sponsor, the financing of the club depends on the general decision of the gaming business association, which is related to their sponsorship integration in Georgian sports.
These conditions make it difficult to take responsibility for the players and the staff working in the club.
"Tbilisi Locomotive will continue to move forward with its own financial resources and build a team, the goal of which has always been the development of young players and their support," the statement reads.
Source: https://urlzs.com/ekrJi