The impact of regulations on the gambling business - at what expense does the sector's turnover increase?
Online gambling winnings tax increases to 20% - impact on business
What does 2024 look like for the gambling business?
Batumi Gaming Fest 2024 Conference in Batumi
Amendments to the Law "On Organization of Lotteries, Gambling and Profitable Games".
Impact of regulations on gambling business
Gambling - Research Results
Fees increased from the gaming business - what did 2023 look like for the industry?
Taxes for the gambling sector are increasing - discussion in the parliament
Taxes on the gambling industry are increasing
A new regime of gaming business taxation
Gaming business profit tax increases to 15%, withdrawal of winnings will be taxed at 5%
"Georgia can become the "head" of gambling in the region" — George Mamulashvili
Gambling Business After Strict Regulations
Impact of regulations - how the gambling industry is developing in Georgia
Gambling industry turnover and statistics
The law on gambling reduced the revenues of broadcasters
Advertising income of television stations decreased by ₾2.2 million
Gaming businesses file another lawsuit against the government
"An unstable and illegal market has emerged" -
How much money is included in the budget from gaming business?
1 year of regulations - what has changed in the gambling business
Gambling business: TOP online casinos
Giorgi Mamulaishvili, head of "Gambling Business Association"
Further regulation of the gambling industry
Another bill on gambling - how does business fare?
The gambling business does not agree with the new regulations
What did 2022 look like for the gaming business?
Further regulations for the gambling sector
Regulations are tightening for the gambling business
The economics of gambling
New regulations will be imposed on gaming business
Illegal Gaming in minority
Illegal Gaming of minors
Prohibition of online casinos and the rate of Illegal Gaming
Increased rate of Illegal Gaming
Will anti-gambling laws be tightened?
George Mamulaishvili's interview at Sigma International Conference
Implications for Georgian Gambling Business Regulation
Consequences of Restrictions in Gaming Business
What were the consequences of the stricter gambling regulations in Georgia?
Caring for citizens or a law enacted to silence critical media
What challenges does the gambling sector has?
Challenges of the gambling industry
The situation in gambling business
"The game is restricted" - the effect of restricting one industry
The gambling law has activated illegal sites
New regulations in the gambling business
Nika Mosiashvili's opinion on gambling
What problems will the tightening of regulations for the gambling association create for Georgian sports?
Georgian Gambling Business Association and Sportsmens Business Press Conference
Raul Tutarauli comments on the termination of sports sponsorship
Nino Odzelashvili's comment regarding the termination of sports sponsorship
Levan Saginashvili's comment regarding the termination of sports sponsorship
Lasha Talakhadze's comment regarding the termination of sports sponsorship
Konstantine Janashia's comment on the termination of sports sponsorship
Statement by the Head of Administration of the Association about Sports and Financial Resources
Gambling business and government populism
The head of the administration of the Georgian Gambling Business Association is a guest speaker on the 17th floor
what are the possible effects of restriction a Gambling Business
Is prohibiting the Gambling Business a solution?
What will be the effect of restricting the Gambling Business?
The Gambling Business announces the abolition of Georgian sports sponsorship
How does the online gambling business work?
What can be the result of uncompromising regulations?
Is Online Gambling Business First In Revenue?
Where do millions of online gambling businesses spend their money?
The government is in a hurry to adopt regulations related to online casinos
How the online gambling business works
press conference (02.12.2021)
Course of the case with Beka Batsikadze (02.12.2021)
"Tea" with Maka Razmadze - November 30, 2021
Maestro Business Time
Georgian Gambling Business Association Press Tour in Telavi (04.11.2021)
Assessments of economists and industry experts on the statement made by the Prime Minister
Giorgi Mamulaishvili in the program Maestro Business Time
TV Pirveli Course of the case
Comment of Giorgi Mamulaishvili, Head of the Administration of the Georgian Gambling Business Association.
(ქართული) ინტერვიუ საქართველოს პარლამენტის თავმჯდომარესთან
(ქართული) 25 წლამდე ასაკის მოქალაქეებს შესაძლოა აზარტული თამაშები აეკრძალოთ
(ქართული) აზარტული თამაშების სექტორში ახალი რეგულაციების დაწესება იგეგმება
(ქართული) „სათამაშო ბიზნესის გამჭვირვალობის ამაღლება და ანგარიშგებათა სრულყოფა”
(ქართული) საქართველოს სათამაშო ბიზნესის ასოციაციის ორგანიზებით კონფერენცია მიმდინარეობს
(ქართული) სათამაშო ბიზნესი საქსტატთან თანამშრომლობისთვის მზადაა
(ქართული) სათამაშო ინდუსტრიის შესახებ სტატისტიკური ინფორმაციის მოპოვება საერთაშორისო სტანდა